
By becoming a customer, you’re not just receiving a turnkey solution that works for your needs, you gain peace of mind if anything were to happen with our SLAs, access to a large library of enterprise plugins to not only enhance Filestash but also harden it, corporate branding, white labeling, a direct communication line with the lead dev and more. In turn, it fuels our mission to make the world’s best web file manager to access your data regardless of its location.

They’ve bought support from us: MIT, DHL, Bell, University of California Irvine and many more world-class organisations. Want to dive in too?

Upon onboarding, you’ll unlock access to our dedicated customer platform:

setup screenshot

It’s designed to handle common needs like retrieving invoices, get your build packages either as docker, deb, rpm or fat binary, book one-on-one sessions with the lead developer for solving any issues you might have, feature requests, and more.